The Parish Council is an elected group of parishioners by the Annual Vestry Meeting. It is made up of Wardens, a Secretary, Synod Delegates, Alternate Synod Delegates, Members at Large, a Treasurer, as well as the clergy. They dedicate their time and talents to running business side of the church!
Meet the team:
Liz Hodgson, Rector's Warden
Irene Vavasour, People's Warden
Matthew Powell, Associate Warden
Peter Leighton, Secretary
Tony Hodgson, Treasurer
William Sparling, Lay Delegate to Synod
Lynn Raymond, Alternate Lay Delegate to Synod
Alf Lam, Member-at-large
Isabelle Avakomovic-Pointin, Member-at-large
Carol Mason, Member-at-large